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Headstart Nursery, Inc.
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Item #: fascicularisCA-CVN-Merced – 32 -
Flat contains: 32 plugs Asclepias fascicularis Narrowleaf milkweed is the most commonly found milkweed in California. It thrives in dry climates, plains, hills, valleys, roadsides, and disturbed grounds. Sun Requirement: Not shade tolerant. Full sun required. Height: 24-36 in Please see the "Eligible Zip Codes" tab for a list of zip codes to which this species of milkweed can be shipped.--> ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: speciosaCA-M261-Plumas – 32 -
Flat contains: 32 plugs Asclepias speciosa Showy Milkweed is closely related with the common milkweed, A. syriaca, with which it sometimes hybridizes at the eastern limits of its distribution. Showy milkweed tends to grow at higher altitude than common milkweed. These species are similar in appearance and growth form (tall and robust), but showy milkweed can be distinguished by the layer of fine white hairs and flowers that look like small crowns. Can grow in coarse, medium, and fine soils....